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20 August 2024, 11:00 - 12:00 Indochina Time / Bangkok | By invitation only

Flyer - Stats Data for SDGs Action Plan

The webinar will be held on 20th August 2024, 11:00-12:00hr Bangkok Time (UTC+7).

ESCAP Statistics Division continues to support member states in strengthening their statistical capacity to produce relevant data to monitor the 2030 agenda.

Different countries are at various stages of progress in implementing SDGs and face different challenges while adapting all the time. The most critical aspect of monitoring SDG progress is data. Data is produced by different agencies in a country. As part of implementing SDGs as a global development agenda, countries have adopted different approaches to suit their specific national contexts. Others have created national action plans as a way of implementing SDGs and overall national SDG progress across various goals and targets.

This webinar will showcase the process of creating a national action plan for implementing and monitoring SDGs by the National Development Planning Agency of Indonesia (Bappenas). The webinar will give insights on how key users of statistics apply data in national development planning in practice.

Title Speaker/Presenter PPT
Using Statistical Data to Formulate SDGs National Action Plan: A Case of Indonesia Dr. Sanjoyo Kirlan, Manager of Social Development Pillar, National SDGs Secretariat, Bappenas-BPS Statistics Indonesia

for more information, please contact

Statistics Division +66 2288 1234 [email protected]
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