The Asia Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) Partnership Forum (ALP Forum) serves as the premier gathering of country representatives, policymakers, donors, practitioners, and sector experts involved in enabling low-emission, climate-resilient development in the Asia-Pacific and explores synergies and collaboration opportunities to advance climate change goals in the region. The ALP Forum fosters capacity building on priority topics; supports peer-to-peer learning and knowledge sharing; and explores collaboration opportunities to advance climate change goals.
Objectives of the ALP Forum:
- Provide countries with a learning and discussion platform for exploring leading-edge climate action toward mid-century net zero GHG emissions.
- Share experience and expertise on LEDS development and implementation, NDC implementation, and the alignment of LT-LEDS in priority areas for the development of the NDCs 3.0.
- Share knowledge and expertise on select topics in the energy and transport sector, with finance as a cross-cutting theme.
- Shine light on examples and success stories in policy and practice.
- Create opportunities for member countries to share challenges and explore solutions.
- Provide in-depth training on tools and methodologies for priority topics.
This forum is organized by the Asia LEDS Partnership with support from the GCAP and its working groups, hosted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Asia secretariats) and other partners, including:
- United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
- NDC Partnership
- USAID supported Southeast Asia Smart Power Program (SPP)
- UNFCCC Regional Center for Collaboration for Asia and the Pacific (RCC Asia-Pacific)
The next NDC submission cycle is due in 2025 with 2035 emission reduction targets, with increased ambition from all parties. In response to ESCAP Resolution 79/1 on Accelerating climate action in Asia and the Pacific for sustainable development, ESCAP will co-organise the ALP LEDS Forum 2024 with partners to build capacities and expertise of countries through cross learning, ultimately leading to robust in-country action on policy, financing and implementation of actions in the energy and transport sector for the next round of NDCs in 2025.
The Global Climate Action Partnership (formerly LEDS Global Partnership) is a global accelerator of knowledge and solutions that leads the way to climate-resilient and low-carbon development. It is a platform driven by climate leaders in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean that enables collaborative and ambitious climate action, peer learning, and innovation. The Global Climate Action Partnership (GCAP) fosters country leadership and regional communities that enable the transformational changes needed for low-carbon and climate-resilient development. GCAP engages leaders from over 300 institutions across government agencies, technical institutes, international agencies, and NGOs.
The Asia LEDS Partnership (ALP) is one of the three regional platforms (Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Africa) of the GCAP. The ALP is a voluntary regional network comprised of organizations and individuals from the public, private, and non-governmental sectors active in designing, promoting, and/or implementing nationally determined contributions (NDCs), long-term climate strategies (LTS), and other climate change goals in Asia and the Pacific. ALP has a membership of 1,282 members (425 individuals and 404 organizations) and membership includes 65 government ministries/agencies from 14 Asian countries (Nepal, Malaysia, Viet Nam, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Marshall Islands, Myanmar, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka).
The ALP’s goal is in line with GCAP’s global mission and aims to advance the development of country-led and country-specific strategic plans to promote economic growth while reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions without causing trade-offs to other environmental pressures in the Asia-Pacific region. The geographic focus of the ALP includes countries within the sub-regions of East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, and the Pacific (including Australia and New Zealand).